About Ksmart®.
Shaped as a “K”, Ksmarts allow for lateral flow testing.
Professional use only.
Rapid test for

The strengths of the Ksmart®
/ Detection of primary infections for an adapted vaccination strategy
- Simultaneous detection of SARS-COV-2 IgM and IgG.
/ Post-vaccination control of the immune response
- Quantitative result for SARS-COV-2 IgG antibodies.
/ Longitudinal monitoring of the immune response
- Check whether the effectiveness of vaccination remains or decreases.

/ Imagine
« Monitor the adaptive immune response to COVID-19 vaccine with the LabPad… »
Results in three steps.
Step 1.
Taking and depositing the sample.
Once collected, the biological sample must be dropped into the sample well of the Ksmart®, followed with the provided diluent.

Step 2.
Insert the Ksmart into the insertion slot.
Depending on the Ksmart® test configuration made in the settings, the Ksmart® must be inserted either after waiting for 2 minutes after dropping the sample or after a specific time delay.

Step 3.
Contactless Ksmart ejection.
To discard the Ksmart pick up your LabPad®, turn it facing down towards the floor above a biological waste bin or any other appropriate recipient for biological samples, and press the black button on the side.

Features and performance.
Capillary whole blood
Test time
20 minutes
For IgG from 2 to 100 AU (Arbitrary Unit).
For IgM positive or negative.
Kit contents
Ksmart© SARS-COV2 Antibody IgG/IgM : 25
Pipette 20 µl: 25
Dilution buffer: 1
Shelf life
12 months
4-30 °C | 39.2-86 °F

Details available upon request

Download Ksmart SARS COV2 Antibody
User manual.
Download the manual in different languages from the « Resources » page.